A dull damp day and the suggestion of a tear in the corner of the eye. We have come to Stowe Hill Wharf to remove the last odds and ends of our belongings from Avon Rose. An offer has been made. The out of water survey has been completed. The bill of sale has been signed. When the money appears in our account she will no longer be ours. We understand she is off to a new home at Heyford Fields Marina,just a few miles down the cut. Shake hands with Dominic and Steve and we wave a last fond farewell as we head off for a lunch by the cut at "The Wharf" at Bugbrooke. There are many fond memories and.......... no regrets.

We have settled into life ashore in Bath. We enjoy our monthly BW volunteers' working party on the Widcombe flight, clearing vegetation, painting lock gates and canal gear. Himself on track to start as a voluntary lock-keeper in July. The canal life has not been totally left behind. And yesterday a phone call from Chris of Carefree Cruising in Cheshire. "You spoke to us in April about shared ownership in a narrowboat. Are you still interested?" Silly question...........

............to be continued - next year - keep a lookout.