Well, the old boater has had to fire up his PDA after two years. He has to be places and do stuff. No more we’ll be there about a quarter past October. These land based folk count time to the minute! It’s been quite a culture shock for the old boy. As for herself, she is just so chuffed to be near her girls, and their excitement at having Granny back could be gauged by the squeaks of delight as they came down the road. She’s also glad to be back close to facilities as we have to report another disaster on the glasses front. Vigorous cleaning and the wire nose bridge broke and she is left standing with half a pair in each hand.
Himself to the rescue with his trusty coil of garden wire and he rigs up a jig to hold the two halves together so at least she can see. He thought it was quite elegant; looked great at a glance. As her eldest said, “Are those chic Italian designer frames..... or is that garden wire?” A phone call to Specsavers to ensure we have an appointment as soon s we arrive is the order of the day.
After two years of declaring, “I wouldn’t want to live in a big marina,” herself has decided that it has certain attractions; unlimited electricity, all essential services close at hand, she can hoover as much as she likes, run the hair dryer without having to fire up the engine, use the washing machine in land mode (ie using its heating element) instead of cruising mode, and not getting banged about when early risers go past the boat too fast.
Toby dog has decided he likes the marina as well. There’s a huge great area of grass field for him to tear around. The grass is quite long, so with his little legs he tends to leap rather like a gambling spring lamb rather than run. Favourite game is chasing a ball on the rope, a toy which he is reluctant to be parted from.
The end of season Bar-B-Q was a great success. It was good to get to meet the neighbours, and who should be moored on the pontoon next to us? The couple we had met on the Llangollen in the summer and from whom we had heard about Brinklow Marina, encouraging us to investigate. The decision to come in a couple of weeks earlier than originally planned was a good one. Two weeks of activity and Avon Rose is looking very lovely. Paintwork and hull blacking touched up, cabin sided polished, marvellous. A weekend car hire and a visit to to take Toby dog to live with herself's sister. The disadvantage of renting, pets not allowed. But he’s happy and our nephew won’t have cold feet in bed this winter for sure!
Then it's house-clearing again. It may only be 57ft by 6ft 10 but we still seem to have accumulated “stuff”. A one-way trip in a Mr Enterprise van with our chairs, small table, household goods and clothes and we arrive in Bath to sign up and move into our flat, with grateful thanks to our big boy who carted all our stuff up to the second floor while the old man was returning the van. Then a weekend “camping out” on the blow-up bed until our furniture and boxes of stuff arrives from storage, and yes it does all fit in. Then the anticipation of opening boxes and remembering what we had. “You've got too many books!” she declares, while he mutters, “It's not too many books, it's not enough book shelves........”. But nobly he culls some with a great feeling of self righteousness.
And so here we are. Getting into the swing of life ashore. It's been so easy, picking up where we left off and oh so much more convenient. The view from our lounge is wonderful, It's only a ten minute amble into the centre of town, everything is to hand, the space is great, no worries about water, power and all that kind of stuff. Himself has a theory that there is something deep in the female psyche that has a primeval hunger for nesting. Herself hasn't stopped hoovering and washing since she arrived, “She's got two years of deprivation to make up for!” he mutters to himself as he lifts his feet to allow passage of the carpet sweeper yet again. As for himself, He's bought himself a huge flat screen tv and recorder so he can record the American football again, “It's too big, I can see them sweating!” she wails as the “Strictly Come Dancing” season opens again. He's also seen the inside of a barber's shop for the first time in a couple of years. Now we wouldn't want you to think that he has succumbed to a slick city short hair look, after all, as he frequently declares, “It's a great responsibility having naturally curly hair!” The hairy prophet remains; just a little more stylish.
Well this is the last entry to the Avon Rose blog for a while. We will have to wait and see if it resumes or if...................................the possibilities are endless. Isn't life wonderful!